

NAB Update: May 2, 2024

filed under News & Updates

New 3Qs with Dave Mohr, executive minister for the BCBA; webinar with Michael Wear; emerging leader cohort; and Triennial.

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Three Questions: Dave Mohr

filed under Testimony

Three Questions is a semi-regular series introducing individuals across the NAB by asking them about their story, their ministry, and what they are learning.

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Joy in the Journey

filed under News & Updates

John Cassidy shares a story from Hope Community Church about prayer and God’s provision; new Missional Initiatives newsletter.

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The Incredible Journey of Hope

For years, I would drive by a massive, unoccupied box store in our community, envisioning it as an ideal place for a church building.

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Equipped for Ministry

filed under News & Updates

Wayne Stapleton’s visit to the BCCL in the Philippines; Triennial hotel and airline discounts; and The Year of Equipping.

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Equipped for Ministry at the BCCL

filed under Missions

The BCCL is the NAB’s ongoing work in the Philippines, financially supported by NAB churches but run entirely by Filipinos.

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In Cohort Together

filed under News & Updates

A look back at a recent Movement Cohort of church multipliers, and an invitation for emerging leaders to apply for Year of Equipping.

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Year of Equipping

filed under Equipping

This cohort is uniquely designed to reach emerging leaders of our churches who will continue to serve NAB churches for the decades to come.

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