
News & Updates

Ukraine Crisis Fund Update


Students in Bismarck raise funds for Ukraine, NAB missionaries share a refugee story, and Spring Missions Sunday

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Connecting the NAB and the CBC


Harry Kelm meets the new CBC executive president; an invitation to churches for Spring Missions Sunday; Church Planter Summit / Bonfire

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Important News from the Hohns in Cameroon


A brief letter from Calvin and Susanne Hohn about their time in Cameroon and what lies ahead.

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Mourning and Praying


A call to mourn and pray with our Cameroonian brethren, David Ewing’s retirement, the newest edition of Onward, and end-of-year info

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Call to Mourning and Prayer with the CBC


Cameroon is the oldest mission partner of the North American Baptist Conference. Through the years, we have had opportunity to rejoice with them as churches were planted, church leaders were trained, hospitals were built, and lives were forever changed by the in-breaking of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Today, however, is an opportunity to mourn with those who mourn.

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Better Together


New article from Harry Kelm, The Gathering registration packet, and new special project at Mbingo

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To Everything There Is a Season


A big announcement from Vern and Gloria Wagner, the next Discovery Center planter assessment, and new Servant Link

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An Openness to God’s Leading


Chris Gorman is stepping down as a regional minister to follow God’s leading in his city, final Identity article from Harry, and Light Blue Ocean.

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