
News & Updates

Pursuing Reconciliation and Church Multiplication


Andy and Sara Wesner recently completed a Discovery Center put on by Excel Leadership Network, the NAB’s partner in church planting with the United States. Coming out of this assessment, they wanted to share the following letter about their experience and what comes next for them.

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Andy and Sara Wesner Post Assessment


Andy and Sara Wesner recently completed a Discovery Center put on by Excel Leadership Network, the NAB’s partner in church planting with the United States. Coming out of this assessment, they wanted to share the following letter about their experience and what comes next for them.

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The Intersection of Missional Living and Cross-Cultural Engagement


Jesus has commissioned all of His followers to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:18–20 NIV), “preach the Gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15), and be His witnesses “to the ends of the Earth” (Acts 1:8). These are clear biblical commands. Therefore, it seems logical that His Church, on His mission, must have a global impact and composition.

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Blue Ocean Next Steps: Missional Initiatives, Spiritual formation talks


For the first time ever, Blue Ocean and The Bonfire were held online. After four great sessions with David Fitch and then Christopher Wright, we seemed to be longing for more. We missed the table conversations and the late night hangouts, but this new environment created opportunities for us to begin to connect in other ways online.

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Blue Ocean Next Steps: Missional Initiatives

by: Cam Roxburgh

For the first time ever, Blue Ocean and The Bonfire were held online. After four great sessions with David Fitch and then Christopher Wright, we seemed to be longing for more.

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God prepares his servants, missionary of the week


God is gracious to let us experience the wonder of His work to transform lives. It was over five years ago when we first met a dear couple, Leo and Wendy,* in a national church we partnered with. Both of them had become Christians while they studied in universities overseas and had recently returned home.

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God Prepares His Servants

by: Nick & Iris

God is gracious to let us experience the wonder of His work to transform lives. It was over five years ago when we first met a dear couple, Leo and Wendy,* in a national church we partnered with.

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Reproducing churches podcast, Interim Executive Director Announcement


Welcome to the new Intercessor prayer calendar! This new version has been redesigned specifically to collectively focus our prayers on the four ends of the NAB Conference: missional initiatives, international missions, leadership formation, and ethnic partnerships. The prayer prompts for each week are set to align with one of these four ends.

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