Upcoming Changes in Romania

Over the past two decades, the country of Romania has become synonymous with NAB International Missions alongside Japan, Brazil, and Cameroon; and for a large portion of that time, Tanya and Paul Gericke have been serving in Romania among the Hungarian Baptists. As you might have already been notified directly from the Gerickes, they have prayerfully discerned that their time in Romania is nearing its end.

As they complete their final summer in Romania in August 2025, we want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation of them and their service for the Kingdom.

Paul and Tanya’s missionary service in Romania was borne out of their participation with short-term mission teams, including NAB Gateway; the sister-church partnership efforts of Central Baptist, their Edmonton church, and Szentkiraly Baptist Church; and their love for camp ministry and development through Camp Caroline in Alberta. As their familiarity and love for the Hungarian Baptists of Transylvania grew, they also realized how important the development of the property that was to become Camp Falcon Rock was to these brothers and sisters in Romania.

As a number of other NAB churches had also become quite familiar with these Hungarian believers and their camp property through their participation in NAB Gateway Teams and emerging sister-church partnerships, NAB International Missions saw strong support for opening a new NAB mission field, with the Gerickes as our first missionaries there.

The rest of the story of the development of Camp Falcon Rock and the Gerickes leadership and important part in that is well known and documented to this day; even this past October, an entire NAB Gateway Team comprised of NAB Regional Ministers and the NAB Executive Team served among the Hungarian Baptist Convention of Romania and at Camp Falcon Rock. God has truly done a great work through the Gerickes and the many churches, missionaries, and volunteers of the NAB through these past decades.

Though the Gerickes will be missed by many in Romania, as well as by the NAB International Mission Department, there is good reason to believe they will still play an influential part in the lives of emerging leaders here in North America, including future missionaries.

Even though the Gerickes are ending their time in Romania in August, they will continue to be NAB missionaries through January 2026, giving them time to transition and meet with donors and supporters like yourself. We will be reaching out again as we grow closer to that date with further information. If you have any questions about continuing to support this or similar work the NAB is in partnership with, please do not hesitate to reach out to Caryn Young at cyoung@nabconf.org or (916) 797-6250 or to me at rschmor@nabconf.org. Thank you for your consideration and your support of NAB missions and the breaking in of the Kingdom of God around the world!

Randy Schmor

Interim VP of International Missions
