Missional Investment within the NAB

Investing in the Movement

The North American Baptist’s fiscal year ends tomorrow. Join us in imagining what it would look like if we were able to elevate dozens more passionate, driven, and humble leaders in the years to come!

Your gift at the end of our fiscal year makes investment, recruitment, and training possible right here in our neighborhoods, as well as around the globe! Click below to add one last gift toward this fiscal year and invest in the movement of God’s people within the NAB! Together we can multiply the impact of God’s missional work and spread the Good News that Jesus indeed saves.

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September / October Intercessor

Join our faithful prayer warriors in praying for the NAB family with the most recent edition of the Intercessor. To view or download, click the link below. If we can be praying for you or your church, or you would like to receive the Intercessor, please let us know atcommunications@nabconf.org.

Intercessor Online

Missional Training Workshops in Canada

What does it look like to be a faithful presence in our neighbourhoods?

Forge Canada, in partnership with the NAB, has some upcoming opportunities in Canada! Join us for a two-day workshop where we will have the opportunity to glean from the teaching and application of Karen Wilk, Preston Pouteaux, and David Fitch as they lead a vibrant discussion on what it looks like for us to live incarnationally in our neighbourhoods.

Learn More

Missionary of the Week

József Csuhai, National Missionary, Hungary. Rev. József Csuhai is a Community Health Evangelism (CHE) Coordinator for the Hungarian Baptist Union. It is his privilege to introduce CHE’s strategies, biblical methods, and sound theology to Baptist churches in Hungary that wish to minister to the Roma people and the poor. With his background as a pastor and former leader of the Baptist Roma Mission, József specializes in evangelism and spiritual training in Misszió az Egészséges Közösségekért’s (MEK) community projects and as pastoral advisor to MEK workers. Pray for József as he leads these ministries and impacts the communities around him. For more information, visit nabonmission.org/missionaries/jozsef-csuhai.

Missionary/Church Planter of the Week
