Triennial Sunday

Every Triennial, the Sunday worship gathering is one of the chief highlights of our time together. Unfortunately, the vast majority of NAB churches have no experience. With Triennial 2021 moving online it has created opportunities for us to bring Triennial to you!

  • This year will be different, though we will not all be in one location worshiping together, the opportunity to commit to shared experience rooted in our shared mission is unique and groundbreaking. Even if your church has not signed up to be an official Watch Party site, there are still a few options to allow you to integrate Triennial Sunday into your typical Sunday worship experience.
  • You can become a Watch Party site for that Sunday only, joining with the rest of the NAB family on the livestream at 8:00 am Pacific. Contact Sara-May Cardy to find out how.
    You can show the full 15-minute keynote message from Dr. Harry Kelm that will be part of the Main Session.
  • Already have your Sunday sermon planned? No problem, use the shorter, 3-minute keynote message from Dr. Harry Kelm as a piece of your regular Sunday service.

However you choose to incorporate Triennial Sunday into your typical worship service, we trust that our hearts and minds will be unified through the Holy Spirit as God uses Harry to encourage us to Reimagine Hospitality and live as a reimagined and reformed people in our communities.

Dr. Harry Kelm’s full 15-minute keynote message available for free download. Use this as your sermon on Sunday July 11th.

Sermon for Sunday July 11th already planned? No problem, simply use this 3-minute version of Dr. Harry Kelm’s keynote message for Triennial as a video element in your July 11th Sunday service.

Triennial Virtual Booths

As with nearly every other aspect of this Triennial, the booths have also made the transition to a virtual platform. Each of the familiar NAB ministries and ministry partners will have a booth available for you to interact with and chat with booth representatives. You will be able to visit booths as Chain of Love, White Cross, Church Investors Fund, and Kairos, as well as some new booths for C2C Collective, Excel Leadership Network, and Interim Pastor Ministries, among others.

With more than twenty booths representing every facet of the NAB family, there is sure to be something to interest you. As part of this virtual platform, each booth comes with its own chatroom, allowing you to connect directly with the booth hosts and others. This new platform for booths will allow us to once again Reimagine Hospitality.
