Art as Mission

Every three months, NAB missionaries share news of what is happening on the mission fields where they serve. One of the most recent newsletters, from just last month, comes from Claire & Tim Marker, NAB missionaries in the Philippines serving at the Bicol Center for Christian Leadership. The Markers share a few stories of how they are finding creative ways (pun intended) to connect with the people in their community in need of the Gospel.

God continues to answer prayers and start new ministries at BCCL. We just continue to ride the waves He creates and do our best to obey His directions.

Arts as Mission

In partnership with the Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF), BCCL hosted a short-term mission team composed of Asian American and Filipino artists. Some of them are painters and graphic artists; there was also a photographer and a crafter. They joined this mission exposure trip to see how God can use their artistic talents in mission. And, indeed, they realized that art is a powerful tool in ministry! Some of the important creative things they did was a painting workshop and mural painting at the campus café, which allowed us to engage with the community. Their team leader likewise taught sessions on arts and mission / ministry, as well as creation care, to our mission students.

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We had an outreach art workshop July 27 at the campus café to jumpstart an arts ministry that we’ve been praying about for the past year. This was one of the ministries the OMF short-term mission team helped us start. Two of the painters in the group taught basic acrylic painting to the 14 participants.

God confirmed the big need for this type of ministry as we got to know the participants. Some of our young Indian friends excitedly joined the workshop and are looking forward to regular art fellowships with us. This is another avenue where we can reach our Hindu friends with the love of Christ. . . .

Read the Full Newsletter

If you aren’t already receiving the quarterly newsletters from NAB missionaries across the globe, where you can read about more stories like the one from the Markers, we invite you to sign up at the link below. The newsletters are sent out in February, May, August, and November.

Sign Up for Missionary Newsletters

Speaking of signing up, we are hard at work finalizing the next issue of Onward, the magazine full of news, stories, and updates from the North American Baptist family. If you don’t already receive you free issue, sign up at the link below to ensure you get your copy when we send it out next.

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