Peace on Earth

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased! (Luke 2:13–14 ESV)

Recently, I met with a good friend at a coffee shop. He was already seated as I arrived, but I noticed he would grimace at times, so I asked if he was in pain. He said he had thrown out his back and had been struggling since the day before our meeting. I asked how it happened, and he shared that he picked up his phone charging cable. Of course, who would even think twice of lifting such a heavy object? He said it stemmed from helping move a wood stove many years prior to the charging cable incident. Wood stoves weigh beyond the normal household appliance, and Archimedes should be called in for every time one needs to be moved. Yet, when one is in place and it is fed and stoked and you can see the fire roar, it is a special experience, especially this time of year. That TV fireplace channel does doesn’t quite do it. The real thing brings warmth to a room, and sometimes an entire home. When you watch the fire roar, there is a sense or a moment of tranquility and harmony that comes, especially when you share that moment with others.

We read in Luke 2:13–14 about the announcement from the angel of the newborn King: “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!’”

Turmoil and strife are in abundance on every corner of the earth, as on the day when our Savior was born. Yet, his presence was available from that very day when the angels announced that a newborn King came so he could reign in our hearts if we would just allow him in. Far greater than the cozy, warm fireside setting is the coming and presence of our Lord and Savior, who brings the promised, true shalom to those who place their faith and trust in him.

Bud Fuchs is the cross-cultural equipper for the North American Baptist Conference.
