“When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:7–8 NRSVA)
“Yes,” I reply to my son, who is asking once again the same question he always asks me each morning: “Will you get me food, mama?” I know it’s coming each day, within moments of his waking. I know the words on the tip of his tongue before they even tumble out. I know his tummy is grumbling and soon his attitude will be, too, if I take too long to answer his plea. My reply is always, “Yes, of course.” Some days, I provide the need before he asks. When that happens, I’m met with the biggest brown eyes, full of surprise and joy that I knew what he wanted before he said so.
I like to imagine God being in a posture just like this. When I’m about to ask for something, to cry or to plea for intervention, he’s ready to answer, to respond to me. Now, it’s clearly not always a “Yes;” it is sometimes a “No” or “Not yet.” Regardless, he is listening. He is paying attention. He is aware of my needs, my desires, my struggles, and he’s attentive to my cries. And often, he’s moving and working behind the scenes to provide for me before I even ask.
Jesus said in Matthew 6:8 that the Father knows what we need before we even ask. He said we don’t need fancy words or grand gestures to make requests to God. Just like a mom or a dad knows what their child desires, God the Father knows exactly what we need as well.
God knew exactly what mankind needed when he sent Jesus to earth. God’s people were crying out for a Savior for generations, and then the day finally came, although not many understood his actions. They were confused and wanted an earthly King to boss their enemies around and say “Bye-bye” to Caesar. But God knew what was best for his plan and for his people.
Maybe you’re in a season right now where you are crying out to God and you’re wondering if he is listening, or maybe you know he hears you but you fear he’s ignoring you. Let me tell you: God not only hears you, he also knows you. He knows you deeper than anyone else. Turn to him this season. Entrust the deepest fears, the deepest hurts, the deepest losses into his hands. He can handle it.
God is wanting you to call out to him, to say “Father, I need you.” He’s ready to answer your cries and meet your deepest needs. This season, let’s trust God enough to ask him for what we need.
Danelle Schlichenmayer serves as the director of Elementary Ministry at Century Baptist Church in Bismarck, North Dakota. She and her family love to be in the great outdoors.