Gateway LTP in Central Europe

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Central Europe Emphasis

Earlier this year I had one of those unmistakable promptings I’ve come to recognize; that Gateway should begin to highlight, even more, the opportunities of Long-Term Partnerships (LTP) in Central Europe, namely in Hungary, Romania, and Serbia. Shortly after that initial prompt through today, the confirmations to emphasize this area of the world to churches have continued to come in! Because of this, I’d like to take the opportunity to invite your church to consider an LTP among one of the following potential scenarios (if your church’s pastors and leaders haven’t yet attended one of Gateway’s ‘Long-Term Partnership Orientations,’ please contact us for more information):

  1. Various Roma Villages in Hungary, Serbia, and Romania—in conjunction with the initiatives of Community Health Evangelism (CHE, or MEK in Hungary, ZZ in Serbia), the opportunity exists to pursue a Long-Term Partnership in one of these villages with an emerging believing community. In most cases, a church does not yet exist in these villages but with the strategies employed by CHE, the various social, educational, economic, and spiritual issues that plague these communities can be transformed by the Holistic Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom.
  2. Various Hungarian Baptist Churches in Romania—the initiative that has been set forth by the development of ‘Camp Falcon Rock’ has brought these churches into a denominational relationship between the HBU–Romania and the NAB, and has brought NAB missionaries and HBU–Romania national leaders together as well. As the camp continues to develop, the opportunity exists for churches to partner with the Hungarian Baptist churches that are using and will be using the camp in the future. Each of these Hungarian Baptist churches and their villages are unique and present a great opportunity for long-term relationship and partnership in their individual settings.
  3. Hungarian Baptist Churches in Hungary—HBU–Hungary churches have hosted a number of teams in the past few years for the purpose of reaching their communities through English Camps. They are very resourceful and very capable groups of believers that have a heart to reach their towns and the surrounding region with the Gospel. But, they are also very open to sharing these efforts with a partnering church that will invest with them in a long-term relationship.

Contact Randy Schmor for more information at
