Three Questions: Mario Rodriguez

Three Questions is a semi-regular series introducing individuals across the NAB by asking them about their story, their ministry, and what they are learning. This week, we hear from Mario Rodriguez, the lead pastor at Tabernáculo Biblico Bautista Nueva Jerusalén in Kitchener, Ontario.

What’s your story?

I was born in El Salvador and immigrated with my family to Canada in 1994. I became a born again believer in 1995 when my sister invited me to church at Tabernáculo Biblico Bautista Nueva Jerusalén, which we call Taber Kitchener. I grew up learning from various mentors in the church who helped me mature in my relationship with Christ. It was Pastor Felipe, the former lead pastor, who encouraged me to go to Bible college.

After I earned my pastoral ministries degree (bachelor of theology) at Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener, I became the youth pastor at Taber Kitchener, then a youth pastor at another church in Paris, Ontario. My wife and I returned to Taber Kitchener in 2017, where I served as a lay pastor. In 2019, I was ordained within the North American Baptist Conference through the Eastern Association. I became the lead pastor at Taber Kitchener in 2021 when Pastor Felipe retired. These past three years, we have grown together as a congregation and made many changes to better serve our church members, our friends, and the community.

What’s ministry like for you?

Ministry is like a rollercoaster; our context is a Hispanic church made up of people from sixteen different countries from South America, North America, and Africa. In addition to currently serving our Hispanic church, we have recently started an English ministry outreach to Hispanics and non-Hispanics alike.

Our services have a style of Caribbean Hispanic culture. They are are currently in “Spanglish,” a mix of English and Spanish.

We are also intentionally equipping young adults to be sensitive to God’s will and starting small cell groups in our community, particularly near two universities, to invite other to know Christ as their Saviour.

What are you learning?

I’m learning to have a clear vision for our local congregation, as well as the future generations; I’m slowly becoming aware that the reality of second- and third-generation Hispanics in our membership has brought a new challenge to serve both the Hispanic and English communities.

Lately God has worked on my heart to be more aware of his missional heart. I feel we at Taber Kitchener are being invited to take part with God in sharing Christ in our community and around the world.

My personal goal is to continue to grow in my knowledge of God and equip the saints for the sharing of the Gospel in our local community.
