Year-End Information, Missionary Updates and More!

Peace Beyond Measure

In times of deep unrest—inner unrest of the soul, outer unrest of society—it becomes easy to allow our circumstances to direct how we react. Yet, we follow the Prince of Peace and believe “His government and its peace will never end” (Isaiah 9:7 NLT). Not only does God bring us peace, we also become harbingers and torcher bearers for His peace. In this season that celebrates the birth of the Prince of Peace, your gift to the Ministry Resource Fund directly supports efforts in the NAB ministry family that include:

  • Training and equipping leaders and churches for missional ministry;
  • Administrative support to missionaries in North America and around the world;
  • Creating leadership efforts and events like Blue Ocean, Ethos, Triennial, and Regional Minister training.

Above all, your gift is a direct participation in God’s work of bringing the everlasting peace of Christ to our world. Click below to read about how Bud Fuchs, NAB’s cross-cultural equipper, is helping those within the NAB bridge the dividing walls of cultural differences that can breed hostility. In doing so, he partners with God in bringing a measure of peace to our world.

Click here to learn more!

Give to the Christmas Offering:

Give in US Dollars     Give in Canadian Dollars Give in US Dollars Give in Canadian Dollars


Register Now for Triennial 2018!

Registration for the 2018 Triennial Conference is well underway. If you haven’t taken the opportunity to check out the Triennial website, please spend some time exploring the website to learn more about:

  • Moving Bible teaching and inspiring speakers
  • All-conference receptions
  • Creative children’s programming
  • Unique “Breakout” sessions
  • Special meal events

Early bird registration will be available until January 31, 2018. We hope you can join us!

“…that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” Colossians 1:28 (ESV)

Triennial 2018 Information


November Missionary Updates

As Christmas approaches, please take some time to pray for our NAB missionaries who are scattered across the globe! They recently sent in their latest updates to share with the NAB family. Please click below, read through them, pray for them, and find a way to encourage them this holiday season.

Missionary Newsletters


Important Year-End Year Giving Information

As the end of the year draws near, many will wish to give to the ministries of the North American Baptists, generously planting seeds for our missionaries and churches to preach the gospel, in word and deed, throughout the world in 2018. We are grateful to God for those who so faithfully spread God’s love through financially supporting NAB’s ministries. Thank you for giving!

As you consider donating to NAB in tax year 2017, there are a few factors to keep in mind to make sure that we are able to give you a tax receipt for calendar year 2017. Please click below for all the details.

Important Year-End Giving Information
