Miracles Out of Nowhere

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I suspect that maybe some of you, but probably not all of you, would know the reference that I chose for the title of this newsletter article: ‘Miracles Out of Nowhere’ (it’s a 1976 song by the band Kansas 😊). But as I thought about the past few months and what to share with you in this newsletter, this was the phrase that came to my mind.

The ‘miracle’ of new life and rebirth that this season of spring brings each year. I never tire of it! Spring annually exemplifies for us the meta-narrative of God’s Story that is one of life and resurrection out of death, and it’s what awaits us all in God’s consummate Kingdom. But we amazingly have opportunity after opportunity to see resurrection all around us, like it’s sewn into the entire creative order (which it is!; see 1 Corinthians 15). And of course, having recently celebrated Easter, we have the vivid reminder of the first-fruits of resurrection that Jesus’ life after death

Recovery from surgery

The ‘miracle’ of medicine and those God uses to practice it. We’ve all seen this over the past year in particular as physicians and nurses everywhere have been pushed to the limit in caring for people during a pandemic and the development and rolling out of vaccines. Personally, after having had the experience of testing positive for COVID and getting vaccinated, I’m now in recovery from recent shoulder surgery (April 28) and have new appreciation for all the doctors and nurses who are taking care of me (including my wife Shelly! Thanks sweetie!).
manifested in that Kingdom-launching event.

And the ‘miracle’ of relationships and the church that have been severely challenged this past year. Whether it’s the global church partnering ministry I serve in with NAB Gateway, the local church I attend and serve in here in Milwaukee, or the many other relationships I experience during the course of my life, the past year and a half continues to be one of ongoing and difficult conversations and relationships to navigate. In reflecting on these challenges, I recently heard someone say, “I’m finding in these times that I have to decide whether to insist on being right or following the way of love.”

Is it too strong to say that it’s a ‘miracle’ these days to walk out relationships in general? Particularly in the church? Maybe so, but as we experience challenges both common and particular, may we be aware that these lives we’ve been given are in fact a ‘miracle’ that deserves our thanks.

For the Kingdom,

Randy Schmor

Just for fun! Here’s a link to Kansas’ “Miracles Out of Nowhere:” https://youtu.be/jseTa7HUIDU
