ONWARD Spring 2020 is here!
In this season of Eastertide, which spans the fifty days from Easter to Pentecost, the church has historically treated each Sunday as an extension or continuation of Resurrection Sunday. For this reason, the newest edition of Onward is all about the resurrection of Christ and celebrating what that means for our lives and for our world. Read articles from the different ministries within the NAB and discover resources for your church and your own personal faith journey.
If it hasn’t arrived in your mailbox already, it will soon. You can also check out the online edition by clicking the link below.
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Meet our newest NAB missionaries:
Even when many of us have been forced to stay at home, the Kingdom of God is still on the move and working in our world. We are proud to announce Jason and Erin Bergman as the newest NAB missionaries. They will be serving at Camp Falcon Rock in Romania with NAB missionaries Paul and Tanya Gericke and Vern and Gloria Wagner, as well as national missionaries Tamas and Tunde Modi.
Jason has camp ministry in his blood; his grandfather co-founded a Christian camp in Alberta, where Jason spent many summers as a student and, later, on staff in different capacities. Erin also served at that same camp, where both of them experienced the beauty of God at work in the lives of young people. After a few trips to Camp Falcon Rock, including one three-month trip with their four kids, they knew God was prompting them to join the team already on the ground. With Jason’s experience in construction and engineering and Erin’s passion for others to know God’s Word, they will be a welcome addition to the Camp Falcon Rock team.
Join with us in praying for Jason and Erin Bergman and their four children: Dani (12), Cristian (10), Olin (8), and Keli (8). Consider as well how you can further join with them through financial support.
Consider as well how you can join with another new missionary family, Raffaele and Sylvia Gaudio and their three children – Lydia, Ezra, and Jude – as they prepare to plan the church planting team in Japan.
Our most recent NAB church planters

For more stories of people and churches within the NAB being missional, check out the Ministry Amidst Pandemic page. CLICK HERE>
The Bonfire 2020 Online
Join us Thursday April 30th-May 1st as we will meet once again to learn from one another and to continue to tend the fire that God has ignited among us on this missional/formational journey.
Chris Wright will lead us in a discussion of the Mission of God. Chris will trace how the Mission of God is a theme that runs throughout all of Scripture. He will explore the heart and nature of God, His love for this world, and His invitation to join Him on mission. Obviously, we will reflect on all this in the context of the uncertain and perilous times we are facing. There will be ample time to ask questions and to interact with each other.
US CARES Act and Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
In these ever-changing days, the NAB International Office continues to strive to be a service to you. One of the ways we have been seeking to serve you is through researching the various government programs available to you, both in US and in Canada.
Richard Brown, the NAB CFO, has done the hard work of looking into the US CARES Act and Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan. A previous call for US pastors yielded a fruitful conversation, so in response, he is hosting a second round of calls next week: